OK...I'm giving in. I'm going to allow my SSKrs to post their Christmas knitting projects if that's all they have to share at the moment. Obviously, we can't escape knitting UNselfishly for the holidays
(and we shouldn't!!) so instead of this blog being dead quiet, let's see whatcha got on the needles and what you finished so far! And let's hope you *do* have time for some SSK and share that too!
I've been working on some SSK though ladies...mostly when I can't work on certain Christmas gifts cuz Certain People are around :)
Of course, this wasn't a totally selfish act. The sock had been languishing on the needles that I needed to get busy on a pair of Christmas sox so I *had* to break down and kitchener that toe. And the sock turned out to be just like I'd hoped...the yarn bloomed, the sock fit and looks pretty and I'm motivated to do another that will probably take me until June of next year if I start it directly after Christmas. If you dig this pattern and wanna try it too, here's the LINK for the free pattern again. It isn't hard really but I was using a double strand of some pretty fine yarn and size 1 needles for the entire thing so it took me awhile. It's a 12 row repeat and I could only handle about 12 rows at a sit down so I moseyed my way through it at a pretty leisurely pace.
I haven't been knitting on the funky scarf vest BUT I did weigh the yarn after I finished the first half of the front and I DO have enough to finish and can maybe even squeeze out the collar aswell. Whew!
I have been managing to get a few rows in here and there on the Sheep Shawl...up to row 92 baby!
This thing is HARD. hard hard hard hard. HARD. Not Easy. Of course, I'm not a High Priestess of Lace Knitting either...just a lowly novice, really....maybe just into the intermediate range of skill. But this is epic knitting, I tell you! EPIC. A True Accomplishment for any knitter. Wow...look at me go with all this lace...lace socks, lace shawl, lace washcloths. I do love me some chunky easy knitting, really I do! I'm just wondering when the heck I became this crazy lace knitting woman?
I just got the Mason Dixon knitting book into the shop the other day (yeah, I know...I'm way late for this bandwagon but it was backordered for like a thousand years!) and I MUST MAKE THE NIGHTIE. I want that nightie in there! I. WANT. IT. BAD. And I think there's some lace in there somewhere...sigh....
Well, that's enough about me for now...if you want to read other stuff I'm up to (like the lace washcloth and spinning stuff, etc) check out my other blog :) The first bit is about The Sock but there's other stuff if you scroll on down!